About Us

Imtiaz Ahmad, the founder of Pride of Pakistan website is a journalist, who has met and interviewed many international leaders and it has always been his intention, through a variety of projects he has initiated, to promote the very best of Pakistan.
Imtiaz Ahmad has a goal to depict the true image of Pakistan and to dispel the false impressions about religious extremism and anti-western sentiments in Pakistan by helping people develop a deeper understanding of Pakistan and its people.
Aiming to target key areas where change is quite essential to make a positive impact about Pakistan and its people Imtiaz is looking forward to make Pride of Pakistan a truly strong and influential organisation.
Imtiaz Ahmad is seeking people from all walks of life including interest groups and businesses who share a common vision for the future of Pakistan and are prepared to help raise awareness to help move Pakistan to a better future.
A network of individuals is being established (Pride Team) to provide a local contact to enhance and develop the services to ensure this website is a worthy link between Pakistan, its people and the rest of the world.
Your participation will transform Pride of Pakistan to a new kind of tool with the potential for positive global impact about Pakistan and its people. Individuals and organizations alike are welcomed to try Pride of Pakistan website for a variety of uses.