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Kashmir, now a flashpoint, carries the potential of turning into nuclear war: PM Imran Khan

Posted by : Admin on Sep 15, 2019 04:41 PM

Islamabad: Prime Minister Imran Khan has urged the international community to play their due role in resolving the Kashmir issue and warned them that the dispute, which has now become a flashpoint between India and Pakistan carries the potential o...

Islamabad: Prime Minister Imran Khan has urged the international community to play their due role in resolving the Kashmir issue and warned them that the dispute, which has now become a flashpoint between India and Pakistan carries

People still don't believe us when we say your problems will be solved in three months: Governor Punjab

Posted by : Admin on Sep 15, 2019 03:16 PM

Dubai: Expatriates gathered to meet Punjab governor Ch Mohammad Sarwar at the Pakistan Consulate in Dubai, governor listened to concerns of Pakistani expats in Dubai. Governor Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar interacted with the expats who turned up hopin...

Dubai: Expatriates gathered to meet Punjab governor Ch Mohammad Sarwar at the Pakistan Consulate in Dubai, governor listened to concerns of Pakistani expats in Dubai. Governor Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar interacted with the

PM Imran Khan addresses Kashmir solidarity rally in AJK, challenges Indian 'Hitler' Modi to do the same in IOK

Posted by : Admin on Sep 13, 2019 04:12 PM

Muzaffarabad: Prime Minister Imran Khan addressed a rally in Muzaffarabad to express solidarity with the people of Indian occupied Kashmir (IOK). PM Imran Khan not only repeated his resolve to raise Kashmir issue at every forum but also dared Indi...

Muzaffarabad: Prime Minister Imran Khan addressed a rally in Muzaffarabad to express solidarity with the people of Indian occupied Kashmir (IOK). PM Imran Khan not only repeated his resolve to raise Kashmir issue at every forum but also

PM Imran Khan will hold rally in Muzaffarabad to show solidarity with Kashmiris

Posted by : Admin on Sep 11, 2019 10:34 AM

Islamabad: Prime Minister Imran Khan has announced that on Friday, 13 September, he will hold a rally in Muzaffarabad over the 'continuing siege' of Indian occupied Kashmir. We want to 'show the Kashmiris that Pakistan stands resolutel...

Islamabad: Prime Minister Imran Khan has announced that on Friday, 13 September, he will hold a rally in Muzaffarabad over the 'continuing siege' of Indian occupied Kashmir. We want to 'show the Kashmiris that Pakistan stands resolutely

Defence Day of Pakistan - For Honour and Inspiration: Imtiaz Ahmad

Posted by : Admin on Sep 05, 2019 04:13 PM

'Defence Day of Pakistan' commemorates the day when our armed forces successfully defended the attack of Indian forces on our beloved country in the 1965 war. It is a tribute to our armed forces and all the martyrs of the war and is celebr...

'Defence Day of Pakistan' commemorates the day when our armed forces successfully defended the attack of Indian forces on our beloved country in the 1965 war. It is a tribute to our armed forces and all the martyrs of the war and is

Who is going to save the Kashmiri muslims from Modi's genocide plan? Imtiaz Ahmad

Posted by : Admin on Sep 04, 2019 04:50 PM

Following India's revocation of special status of Kashmir, since 5th August 2019, the Indian government has shut down Kashmir in the most repressive and terrifying fashion. Modi's government has simultaneously imposed a media and communica...

Following India's revocation of special status of Kashmir, since 5th August 2019, the Indian government has shut down Kashmir in the most repressive and terrifying fashion. Modi's government has simultaneously imposed a media and

'All of Pakistan-All of Us' standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Kashmir: PM Imran Khan

Posted by : Admin on Aug 30, 2019 01:24 PM

Islamabad: Prime Minister Imran Khan, while addressing a rally in Islamabad arranged to observe 'Kashmir Hour' to express solidarity with the people of Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK) said; today, all of Pakistan, all of us are standing shou...

Islamabad: Prime Minister Imran Khan, while addressing a rally in Islamabad arranged to observe 'Kashmir Hour' to express solidarity with the people of Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK) said; today, all of Pakistan, all of us are standing

Pakistan successfully tests night launch of surface to surface ballistic missile Ghaznavi: ISPR

Posted by : Admin on Aug 29, 2019 05:01 PM

Rawalpindi: Pakistan has successfully carried out the night training launch of Ghaznavi, a surface to surface ballistic missile, Director General Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor said.   The missile is capab...

Rawalpindi: Pakistan has successfully carried out the night training launch of Ghaznavi, a surface to surface ballistic missile, Director General Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor said.