Who is Who - Surveyors

Who is Who section of this website is dedicated to highlight those Pakistani individuals who have become celebrated in their respective fields and made successes of them across the globe. If you think you meet the qualities to be a Pride of Pakistan or you know someone who does, you are welcome to submit the profile with photo in jpeg or gif format and 600x350 pixels in size. Remeber you have to Register /Login to do so.

The Pride of Pakistan Board approves all entries and you will be notified about the Board’s decision.

Haseeb Hassan

Haseeb Hassan was born in Huddersfield and moved to Scotland at an early age with his parents. Haseeb studied at Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, and after graduating in 200...

Mohammed Nawaz Haq

There are no professions that one can think of where Pakistanis have not become involved and particularly the last couple of decades have seen a marked shift within the childr...