
Agha Muhammad Saleh was born and raised in Pakistan, the country he is proud of but moved to USA in 1996 after renouncing his vocation as chemical engineer under protest against rampant industrial pollution & chemical waste

Agha Muhammad Saleh

Professional Achievements

Agha Muhammad Saleh was born and raised in Pakistan, the country he is proud of but moved to USA in 1996 after renouncing his vocation as chemical engineer under protest against rampant industrial pollution & chemical waste disposal & unsafe environment for industrial workers, with decade-long struggle for the restoration of democracy in Pakistan.

Agha Saleh worked on number of public forums both domestic and international, now serving as founder and director of SUKHI New York. Recently, he hosts first ever community board meeting in public to revive Lincoln’s inspiration, “Government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish on earth”. Recognized by the CSVGC-UN, as a keynote speaker and honoured as Peace, Happiness and Good Will Ambassador at the “Spirit of the United Nations Awards Ceremony”

In 2008, during the Presidential election in America, He wrote a letter addressed both the presidential candidates, for the need to support democracy in Pakistan. In response, President Obama said, “we want to work with the newly elected leaders in Pakistan, “And, we've got to say to the Pakistani people, we're not just going to fund a dictator in order for us to feel comfortable with who we're dealing with. We're going to respect democracy. But, we do have expectations in terms of being a partner against terrorism.”

Agha Saleh is the organizer and host for international symposium and workshop for “Education of the Future” and laid the ground for Roshni Village, a habitat for children with Down syndrome.” As Chairperson, PGFA tabled a resolution, argued for five hours to get the board to withdraw the award to be bestowed on dictator Gen. Zia-ul-Haq for “abrogating the constitution of the country.” As reforms writer in Pakistan, wrote a number of investigative reports and papers, which were acknowledged by the national press and recognized in editorials.

He believes in integrating diversity into One Nation, empower minority women, bring the people of diverse cultures closer via multicultural approaches of depicting art, craft, music, attire & food of global heritage by organizing events, festivals, and exhibitions. Initiate and carry out issues of diverse communities, and minorities with authorities of city, state and federal Govt. Improve the Quality of Life and promoting the use of green energy, recycling and organic agriculture. Serve as an intermediate forum for addressing the growing concerns in the areas of “Right- to- know”. Initiate dialogue and Knowledge for the minorities, different faiths, and sexual orientations to improve human development methodologies by envisioning and devising. Help promote the culture of tolerance and peace and respect for diversity. Draw strategies to eradicate extremism with dialogue and capacity building.

Agha Muhammad Saleh gained Bachelor of Science (BSc), Chemical Engineering and Technology from Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of the Punjab Lahore in 1986.

Activities and Societies: Elected Vice President and President, Astronomical Society Punjab University 1981-1982. Secretary Sports, Punjab University Centenary Celebrations Committee.1982 President, Engineers Alliance Punjab University 1982

Agha Muhammad Saleh prepared a report to restore the educational environment at campus. A strategy was proposed to evolve the academic and research oriented environment on campus. The report was prepared for the Governor Punjab & Chancellor of the Punjab University on his request in 1989.

A fact finding report was prepared by him during the years 1988-1989 for the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Recommendations were made to improve the sustainability of the youth encouraging the elimination of the corrupt political and religious allies who have exploited the youth in Pakistan. Documentation included how corrupt politicians gained privileged access to funds for their personal benefits. This was acknowledged by the national press and in their editorials.

Also a report on youth around the country who were subject to suffering; due to Pakistan’s overwhelming involvement in the American proxy war against Russia in the name of Jihad to protect Afghanistan against the Soviet Union’s invasion. Divergence from internal National Issues caused the disruption and decline in education. Heroin and Kalashnikov culture replaced the academia and economy for the youth. As a result Pakistan lost its future, and youth lost hope. It left behind an entire generation in the global social ladder. Recommendations were made to recover from this national catastrophe. A symbolic action by Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto took place. She ordered her cabinet to relax age limit for the Central Superior Services Exam.

Agha Muhammad Saleh authored a resolution and presented before the scholars of diverse faiths, cultures, and languages at the 3rd International Interfaith Rehmatul lil Almameen “Peace and Blessing for All” Day conference held at the “Diversity Plaza New York,” on January 25, 2014. It was signed unanimously by the participants and organizations. This resolution was sponsored by the New York State Senator Toby Ann Stavisky. On March 13, 2014 it was adopted by the State Senate of New York as Legislative Resolution.