
Dr. Kamal Munir, who completed his PhD from McGill University, Canada, is Reader in Strategy & Policy and Head of the Strategy & International Business subject group has been teaching at Cambridge Judge Business School

Dr. Kamal Munir

Professional Achievements

Dr. Kamal Munir, who completed his PhD from McGill University, Canada, is Reader in Strategy & Policy and Head of the Strategy & International Business subject group has been teaching at Cambridge Judge Business School since 2000. Dr Munir's research focuses on social change and stability, as well as innovation and technological shifts in society. His research also spans the competitive advantage of nations.

Dr Munir has published several articles in leading organisational and technology journals, including the Academy of Management Journal, Organization Studies and Research Policy, and presented his work at numerous international conferences. At the same time, he has written numerous articles for newspapers and magazines including the Financial Times, The Guardian, Dawn and World Business. His work has been quoted and cited in several forums, including BBC's Hard Talk, and BusinessWeek. He is the founder of OTREG, an international discussion forum for organisational theorists, and a Senior Editor of Organization Studies. He is also a member of the Cambridge Corporate Governance Network (CCGN).

Dr Munir's practical experience includes consultant or trainer for several organisations, including the World Bank; the Department of Trade and Industry, UK; the Asian Development Bank; the Ministry of Finance, Thailand; the Textile Association, Pakistan; the Government of Pakistan; the State Bank of Pakistan; McKinsey & Co; Shell Petroleum; and British Telecom, among several others. He is frequently invited internationally to speak on issues related to social, technological and economic change.

Previously, Dr. Kamal has taught at McGill University in Canada (1996 to 2000). He is also a member of the Strategy & International Business subject group.

Dr. Munir's Research interests include: Social and institutional change and stability; technological shifts in society; emergence of new markets; socio-economic changes in South Asia; economic development and competitiveness of developing countries.

Dr. Kamal Munir has been appointed Pro-Vice-Chancellor (University Community and Engagement), for a first term of three years with effect from 1 October 2021.