
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nizamuddin brings with him an excellent academic and administrative record. He did his PhD from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Masters from the University of Chicago, and BA Honours

Dr. Nizamuddin

Professional Achievements

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nizamuddin brings with him an excellent academic and administrative record. He did his PhD from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Masters from the University of Chicago, and BA Honors and Masters in Social Work from the University of Karachi. Immediately after completing PhD he taught as Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Later, joined the UN system and had a distinguished career.

He served the United Nations for 24 years where he held several senior positions in Jordan, Egypt, and Ethiopia and as Director for the Asia and Pacific region and as Director for Technical Policy and Development at the UN Head quarters, New York.

Dr. Nizamuddin returned to his home country with a mission to serve the promotion and development of higher education. He assumed the charge as Vice Chancellor of the University of Gujrat in 2006. His vision is to make the University of Gujrat as a world Class University, by developing well trained human resources to meet the growing needs of industries, government and Pakistan civil society.

Dr. Nizamuddin has also served as HEC foreign faculty professor in Punjab University's Department of Sociology. He has been teaching PhD and Masters level courses; supervising PhD Dissertations; coordinating department's PhD program and serving as a member of the Doctoral Program Coordinating Committee (DPCC).  Apart from teaching, he served as a member of HEC Curriculum Committees for reviewing and revising syllabi of Rural Sociology and Geography.