
Dr. Tariq Mahmood is Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist with the National Health Service in UK. He is Honorary Senior Lecturer in Medicine at University of London. He is member of the Board for both

Dr. Tariq Mahmood

Professional Achievements

Dr. Tariq Mahmood is Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist with the National Health Service in UK. He is Honorary Senior Lecturer in Medicine at University of London. He is member of the Board for both MRCP part 1 and 11 examinations of the Royal College of Physicians, Ireland and a senior clinical examiner. He devised the audit protocol for training of specialist registrars in Ireland. He has published and presented extensively on teaching of clinical skills and simulated training. He is a Council Member of the Higher Education Academy of UK.

Dr. Mahmood hosts a political program called ‘The Asian Factor’ that broadcasts to the world on ARY TV every week. He has made many television documentaries.

He obtained BSc in 1982 and MBBS in 1984. He was licensed in Medicine and Surgery from Society of Apothecaries, London in 1988 (LMSSA). He became Member of the Royal College of Physicians in 1991 (MRCP) and Fellow in 1996 (FRCP). He was awarded Masters in Medical Education by Dundee University in 2002 (MSc Med Edu) and Doctorate in Medicine by Imperial College of Science, Medicine and Technology, London University in 2003 (MD).

He has made multiple contributions to the process of community cohesion in the United Kingdom enabling ethnic minorities to integrate with the local population yet preserving their religious and cultural values. In 2005 national elections, he contested as the Parliamentary candidate from Uxbridge on a Liberal Democrat Party seat.