Professor Rai Niaz Ahmad is currently serving as the Vice Chancellor of the Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University (PMAS-AAUR), Rawalpindi. Prior to his present position Prof. Niaz was serving at the University of Agriculture
Prof. Rai Niaz Ahmad
Professor Rai Niaz Ahmad is currently serving as the Vice Chancellor of the Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University (PMAS-AAUR), Rawalpindi. Prior to his present position Prof. Niaz was serving at the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (UAF) as Dean of Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology. He joined UAF in 1981 as a lecturer at Department of Irrigation and Drainage.
Dr. Rai Niaz Ahmad carries a remarkable academic career throughout his education. He has done his PhD in Agricultural Engineering from Iowa State University (ISU) USA in 1991. Later on he carried on Post-Doctoral studies at Kyoto University Japan in 1997 and at Tottori University Japan in 1998.
Prof. Niaz has over 35 years of teaching and research experience, and had produced 30 MSc (Hons) graduates and a PhD. He also has rich experience of dissemination and extension of results of agricultural research through different mediums to farmers at large and adaption of new technologies.
Besides his regular teaching career, Prof. Dr. Rai Niaz has also served on various administrative positions like Director Water Management Research Centre, Principal Officer Engineering Construction Department, Chairman, Structure & Environment Engineering Department, Chairman Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Chairman Department of Fiber & Textile Engineering, and Principal Officer Estate Management Department.
Prof. Dr Niaz has a very long list of innovations and inventions to his credit in the field of Agricultural Machinery and Farm Implements. In recognition of his services Dr. Niaz has been decorated with President’s Medal for Technology. He is also recipient of International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) WATSAVE Award-2009 of Technology.
Dr. Niaz Ahmad is also the author of more than 90 national and international scientific research publications including National Proceeding Papers, International Proceeding Papers, Proceeding Papers of JSIDRE, review and popular articles, extension bulletins and technical reports. He has also presented papers at the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE), USA.
Dr. Rai Niaz Ahmad is working to make PMAS-AAUR a hub of research activities and is improving the educational and research activities along with educational friendly environment to provide all the facilities to students. He believes that students are the assets of the University.